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Friday, September 30, 2016

The Navy's Modernization of Ship Classes.

After yesterdays announcement that the navy was doing away with 200 years of tradition by taking away navy ratings,  sailors around the internet showed overwhelming support for the new NOS system.   That is why the navy has decided to Modernize navy ship classes by removing them altogether.

1.  Effective immediately No longer will we refer to navy ship classes as DDG's, LSD's, CVN etc.... Now all ships will be referred to as boats.  This will be more inclusive covering every size of watercraft the navy has.   The use of small boat is also prohibited by this instruction as "Small Boat" has been deemed a dorogitory turm.

2.  Boat Classes will be replaced by Navy Operational Boat System or NOBS.  The new system will allow for any Boat to qualify for any task.  This gives better flexibility to boats to be more productive.   Boats will be able to hold multiple NOBS's.  A former  DDG can qualify as a F11232 and be ably to do missions  for F11232 well also hold D23233 (F11232 is a flight launch platform, and D23233 is Amphibious Operations.)

3.  A focus group has been formed to help with the modernization and will push our new changes over the next 4 years.  After each change feedback from the fleet will taken and then discarded.

This change is one step in a larger effort to modernize our navy boat systems, and will benefit all boats with greater flexibility while in the Navy and after they depart the Service.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Unchecked Electronics Leading to Berthing FIRES!

    The Navy has strict policy when it comes to electronics on the ship.  In recent months unchecked electronic devices designed to give pleasure have been giving seamen pain.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Chief Board Results Leaked!

A staffer at CNP wanting to find if there spouse had made Chief inadvertently leaked the Chief results before command Triads could see them.

September Exam Quotas are ROLLING out!

CNP Dropped the latest advancement Quotas.  It seems to be as before some quotas are higher and some are lower.   Good luck to all that took the Exam

See the SEPTEMBER exam Quotas HERE!

Be sure to share this with your friends!

March Exam Quotas are ROLLING out!

CNP Dropped the latest advancement Quotas.  It seems to be as before some quotas are higher and some are lower.   Good luck to all that took the Exam

See the MARCH exam Quotas HERE!

Be sure to share this with your friends!

September Advancement Results are ROLLING out!

CNP messed up when sending out the advancement results to command Triads and accidentally released the results.  Congratulations to all who made rank!

If you are having trouble getting to your Profile sheet you can see the SEPTEMBER advancement results HERE!

Be sure to share this with your friends!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Navy to Recruit Homeless to Re-man Tarnished Rates

    Recruit knowledge in the information age has made it harder for recruiters to convince people to join some of the less illustrious jobs.    This conundrum has the Navy thinking up new ways to fill shitty jobs...